The actor, entrepreneur, bodybuilder and former governor of California , Arnold Schwarzenegger , says Donald Trump “is a Terminator” because, says in an interview, wants to end the environmental laws of California and “end all progress and any of hope for the future . “
The actor, who is in Barcelona on the occasion of the Arnold Classic Europe, a bodybuilding and fitness championship held this weekend at the Fira Gran Vía in Barcelona, is a strong defender of the environment and boldenone undecylenate has reproached world leaders for his lack of “will and guts” to face the current climate crisis.
Despite his republican affiliation, Schwarzenegger (Thal, Austria , 1947) has harshly criticized Trump, who has recently revoked boldenone undecylenate 250 a federal permit allowing California to have its own standards against polluting emissions, and has sentenced: “we have to get rid of it as soon as possible . “
“What he is doing is criminal !” Exclaims Schwarzenegger, who in addition to regretting Trump’s decision to force California to lower its pollution limits has also criticized federal environmental policies: “It is getting rid of regulations and laws environmental policies that were approved by previous presidents. “
Critical to world leaders
The former governor has assured that California’s “harsh environmental laws” , which have reduced polluting gas emissions and boosted renewable energies, are an “example of success” for everyone and have considered that they are not incompatible with growth economic, because, currently, the state alone is the fifth world economic power, behind the United States, China , Japan and Germany .
“They are politicizing the problem saying that it is a question of the left or the right. It is nonsense,” criticizes the actor, who praises the mobilizations for the climate of young people around the world, who, he predicts, will suffer “the many errors that are committing now. “
“The old people who created this problem are going to die in 30 or 40 years, but these children are going to inherit a screwed up planet ,” he stressed.
The former governor has been very critical of world leaders for not acting as “true public servants” and “doing nothing” , although “the population is asking to take measures against pollution .”
For Schwarzenegger, the politicians “are stuck in their ideologies , they lie, they don’t keep their promises, they cheat and suck on the oil companies.”
Promotion of his latest film
In addition to promoting the Arnold Classic Europe, Schwarzenegger has promoted in Barcelona his latest film Terminator: Dark Destiny , the sixth installment in the saga. ” I am very proud of her , I think we have done a fantastic job,” he underlines about his new film.
The former governor has recognized his love for Barcelona and Spain , where the fitness event is held for the ninth year, and assures that he would “love” to shoot a movie here.
“I already did one in the 80s, Conan the Barbarian, but it would be great to do another one . The locations are fantastic, they have a lot to offer,” says the popular actor.
In his defense of a “healthy planet” , the actor claims his “fitness movement” , which for a few days he has brought to Barcelona, to promote healthy habits and has claimed the inclusiveness of sport: “in bodybuilding and weightlifting , a burden weighs the same whether you are rich or poor, young or old, Muslim, Catholic or Jewish, it is the good thing about sports, everyone is equal, “he concludes.