Undeniably, broken or knocked-out teeth are terrifying oral issues that can lead to extreme pain or severe bleeding. And as one of the best emergency dentist in West Mountain explains, immediately calling your professional urgent care providers is the only practical step you can take to prevent further damage; however, you can adequately handle the conditions using beneficial methods and strategies before your appointments. Therefore, as the initial step, you should try to remain calm and relaxed because stressed people may take the wrong steps that worsen the conditions. Here’s all the detailed information that will help you react correctly to eliminate the risk of further complications.
Common Reasons that May Lead to Broken Teeth
Generally, broken teeth refer to anything from minor cracks to complete fractures. Dental breaks may occur in different ways, like falling or receiving extreme hits to your head and face, cavities that severely weaken your enamels, and even biting hard and starchy food. It should also be mentioned that, in some cases, minor to moderate dental breaks are not accompanied by unbearable pain and irritation; you can easily find the affected sites using your tongue. Although, you can wait for your next regular appointment if there’s no pain. But postponing your treatments to fix your painful dental fractures will severely threaten your oral health because, in such cases, the breaks reach the deep parts of your teeth and affect the sensitive inner parts.
Aside from immediate dental care that you need to deal with severely damaged teeth, there are some beneficial recommendations you can do as fast as possible to handle the situation and relief the pain:
-Fundamentally, you be careful to avoid swallowing the broken pieces. You should spit, rinse, and preserve them until your urgent appointment.
-Rinsing your mouth with warm water is another practical way to lower your pain and eliminate the risk of infection.
-Swelling and extensive pain can be easily reduced by taking a mild painkiller.
-Don’t forget to control bleeding by pressing sterilized gauze directly on the affected sites.
-Another beneficial technique that can significantly help lower the pain you suffer is applying an ice pack very close to the affected area.
Dealing With Dislodged Teeth
As all experienced and dedicated dental professionals explain, sudden accidents are the basic reason that can cause severe dental injuries like dislodged teeth. However, you may experience it when you are playing your favorite sports. Regardless of all reasons, you should know that this severe issue can be easily coped with if you seek urgent care within early moments. Please keep in mind to perform the following recommendations as soon as you experience this life-threatening condition:
-The best possible reaction you can do is to replace the injured teeth in their position.
-If you cannot place the teeth back in their positions, you should pick them up by their crown, rinse them with water, and go to the nearest emergency dental clinic as fast as possible.