Heart in the human beings is made up of multiple components such as cells, tissues, muscles, bones, valves, veins, arteries and so on. All these parts work in close sync with each other and hence help in the circulation of the blood across the body. Defects or problems in any of the parts of the heart result in various types of symptoms that may harm the entire body’s health. There are so many heart diseases that arise due to problems with some specific parts of the heart. Mitral valve stenosis is also one such disease. Suggested by the name, it is caused due to improper functions of the mitral valve in the heart. Of course, numbers of symptoms appear when a person suffers from this heart disease. Let us now have a look at some of the treatment options for mitral valve stenosis.
Medicines To Ease The Symptoms
The use of medicines including diuretics, blood thinners, antibiotics, beta-blockers etc. is quite common to ease the symptoms associated with mitral stenosis. Such medications are generally used when the valve is still in working condition and hasn’t undergone any severe damage. The medicines help the patients to maintain normal blood flow through the heart to the entire body so that various symptoms may be got ridden.
Balloon Valvotomy
Medically, this treatment option is also referred to as Percutaneous Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty. The heart care professionals use a thin tube called a catheter under this procedure to make the narrow valve wide. The catheter used in this surgical process is soft and is made to reach the affected valve by inserting the same through an artery in the arm or groin region of the patient. The catheter has a balloon at its tip which is inflated when it reaches the valve so that blood flow may be improved and normalized.
Open Heart Surgery
The main purpose of this surgical procedure is to remove the calcium deposits and other scar tissues in the heart. This in turn helps in clearing the passageway of the valve so that it may continue with its normal functions.
Replacement Of The Defective Valve
Indicated by the name, the defective valve is replaced with an artificial valve to treat and manage the condition of mitral stenosis. The valves used in this procedure may be mechanical or biological.
Depending upon the severity of the condition and also the overall health of the patients, different treatment options as explained above may be opted for by the healthcare experts to treat and manage mitral valve stenosis. Proper and timely diagnosis and treatment help in protecting the heart against any severe damage.