So the Philippines has gotten into the Yoga bug. And rightfully so—because it is a non-hectic approach to becoming fit and active. Often seen as focusing more on stretching and stances, the exercise is consistently becoming not just a way of being fit but for a lifestyle change. A yoga class in the Philippines in a day of practice can promise to sharpen your focus and have a clear and peaceful mind.
A Relaxing Way to Wellness
Recently in June of 2018, a yoga convention was conducted with the participants of young athletes and police officers. This was in lieu of the 4th International Day of Yoga organized by the Indian Embassy. Report on the meeting was positive; a treat to basic positions and a way to meditate. Officers who attended the event thought that the exercise was helpful. A yoga class in the Philippines is especially difficult to get by because usual gym sessions and membership charge a lot and many people cannot afford. With the convention, it attracted numbers of professionals to test if a full yoga workout was effective.
Heavily influenced by the Western style of losing weight, Filipinos generally prefer a high-impact and athletic workout to tone the figure. This is evident with the popularity of Zumba, CrossFit and kickboxing. The working culture and climate is also not sufficient for yoga to be done regularly. Often, participants would need a well-ventilated and aerated room (unless for Bikram) that can accommodate the necessary space for the individuals practicing. The heat can cause them to doze off and not finish the workout.
Response to the Yoga has been extremely positive. Teaching the principles of Yoga protocol, Hatha Yoga, Kirtan and Ashtanga Yoga with Vinsaya, Meditation and Kundalini Yoga.
Gym to Yoga
Thinking about switching from gym to yoga? There are some important things to consider: the words that one needs to look for are muscle and strength. You can make the most of the equipment or of the trainer to make certain that you get the maximum results. Sometimes poor posture or poor use of resources can effect to an even worse body form. Gym workouts, in general, are both big on cardiovascular and weight training and are interchangeable depending on what your exercise goals are. Because of the shift in movements, the gym can hold an advantage for serious weight losers since they have convenient amenities at their disposal.
Yoga has a similar claim. Though not as high intensity as the gym, yoga creates a more stable and meditative experience. Instead of cardiovascular isometrics, it focuses on cardiorespiratory and breathing as part of the healthy way to push your body into extreme lengths. A yoga class in the Philippines can do so much to your immunity. By a pose or a mantra, any irrelevant thoughts are temporarily paused for the body to devote itself entirely in the workout. It is intensity in a profound way. Depending which one you choose is strongly considering what is best for you, your body’s current condition and lifestyle so choose well.