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Getting To Know The Services Offered By Philippe Jacquet

Philippe Jacquet, psychotherapistAt the website, you can find out about Philippe Jacquet, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, counsellor and coach, in a clinical and very academic fashion. His curriculum vitae speaks for itself with his completion of programs from such prestigious institutes as the Hazelden Foundation and the Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education.

You will also find information about his focus on treating patients with eating disorders and addictions, as well as his crisis intervention training and his work with patients from across Europe and the United Kingdom.

However, you won’t find out why the clients that come to Philippe Jacquet find his services, and that of the staff at his clients, to be so effective and so instrumental in allowing them to make changes in their life. By learning more about how this is accomplished and the special skills he can offer, you can see why he is sought after as a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, coaching, counselling and art therapy expert.


One of the unique components discussed on his website is the use of the holistic and integrated approach to psychotherapy. At Philippe Jacquet & Associates, each client is approached as a complete human being, unique from anyone else.

No one therapy is automatically used with a patient with a specific diagnosis, or a client that has yet to be diagnosed. Instead, the focus is to look at the whole being, the sum of the parts, and to determine what treatment modes and options will be most effective with that individual.

In addition, Mr. Jacquet has extensive experience in working with leaders of industry, in the banking and financial world, and those with very high profile public lives. His strict adherence to confidentiality and privacy, as well as his flexibility in working around professional’s schedules, has created a very positive environment for these individuals for whom discretion is crucial.

He is also one of the first psychotherapists to offer treatment using Skype, allowing people living abroad, traveling outside of the country or simply uncomfortable in coming in for appointment to still have full access to his professional services.


The act of hypnotherapy is a very effective and short duration treatment option for many issues that people face today. This is not hypnosis as you may image if you have seen something on television or in the movies, rather it is a specific form of working with a client to assist in changing thoughts, behaviours and feeling that are limited the ability to move forward or change.

Often hypnotherapy is used in the treatment of specific issues such as fears, phobias, negative habits and even in treating situational anxieties, sleeping problems and addictions.

During the sessions, which Mr. Jacquet will describe in detail prior to commencing, it will be possible to provide positive messages to the subconscious to help your conscious mind to follow through with the changes you desire. It is not programming, rather it is the way to have positive beliefs, thoughts and ideas enter the subconscious without that negative part of your conscious mind filtering them out.

With years of experience in working with clients, Mr. Jacquet may recommend hypnotherapy as part of holistic psychotherapy treatment plan or as a stand-alone treatment option.


As a person who struggled with addiction and eating disorders in his youth, Philippe Jacquet has empathy and understanding in just how devastating these issues can be.

With his personal experience and extensive specialisation in treatment for these issues, he is able to provide individual and group counselling services. These are often shorter in duration that psychotherapy, and more directly related to dealing with recent stressors, challenges, and issues than those addressed through psychotherapy.

On his website, you will find a complete list of issues Mr. Jacquet can address through counselling. While they are typically completed on an individual basis, he also provides couple’s counselling to address relationship issues and challenges in communication and interpersonal intimacy.


Coaching is very different than psychotherapy or counselling and is more of a facilitative and mentoring type of structure. Often used by very high-level professionals, coaching allows a discrete, private and confidential communication between the coach and client to address issues of personal growth.

The client sets the goals for the coaching sessions, and the coach is there to provide insight, ask questions to challenge creativity, and be a person that can be a sounding board and a resource. Often for professionals this is not available elsewhere, and it is extremely beneficial for leaders at all levels.

Philippe Jacquet has the highest level of commitment to his professional ethics. Fully voluntarily accredited through the BAAT (British Association of Art Therapists), HPC (Health Professionals Council) and the UKCP (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy), Mr. Jacquet offers a range of services to meet the needs of each of clients, a truly personalised service in a world where this is not often seen.

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