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Identifying And Assisting With Childhood Stammers

imagesMost parents are wholly unaware of just how common the paediatric speech problem known as ‘stammering’ is. One of the main reasons for such widespread misunderstanding when it comes to the condition is the way in which stammering can manifest in many different ways and with varying degrees of severity. Or in other words, two children affected by stammers may present entirely different symptoms and thus require a different speech therapist though in a technical sense at least they would both be classified as facing the same developmental difficulty – i.e. a stammer. 

As is the case with all such problems, early detection is of paramount importance when it comes to standing the best possible chance of addressing and correcting the issue. For most kids a stammer is temporary only and the right help at the right time can help eliminate the problem, though it’s of crucial importance not to overlook the severity or importance of the issue in order to ensure it is dealt with quickly, effectively and comprehensively.

Stammer Identification

As already touched upon, what tends to make the identification of a stammer so tricky is the way in which almost all cases are in some way unique. What’s more, the most commonly-known signs and symptoms of stammers represent only one very small group of stammer identification symptoms, with a great many others often going rather more unnoticed.

It’s entirely possible that a child may indeed be facing a problem with stammering should any of the following example symptoms present at any time:

  • Difficulty in getting specific words out which results in the repetition of the first letter or sound of the word. The child may say ‘m-m-m-m-mummy’ or ‘d-d-d-d-daddy’ for example.
  • Lengthening of the first letter or sound of the word which indicates difficulty in producing the word sound in full. One example would be ‘ssssssssssnake’.
  • Any sign of frustration that the child is trying to speak but cannot get the word or sound to come out at all. If the child appears to be avoiding certain words or is often hesitant to speak at all, this could be the sign of a stammer.

Stammers can be extremely frustrating and tiring at any age – the inability to get out what it is you want to say is more than enough to drive anyone to distraction. However, all such negative effects are multiplied many times over for childhood stammer sufferers as not only are kids more likely to struggle when it comes to expressing their concerns and frustrations, they may also have little to no understanding of what’s happening to them or why.

Assisting With a Stammer

Despite the fact that the scientific community remains largely unsure as to what it is that actually causes stammering, there are various different approaches to treatment that have the potential to be extraordinarily effective – life changing in fact. The days of assuming it’s all just a part of growing up and will eventually take care of itself are over – these days every type and level of stammer across the board can be tackled with a targeted treatment approach.

The specifics of the treatment will be determined by those of the case itself, though most of the process will involve simple everyday exercises and changes in parent-to-child speaking habits to ensure the problem is addressed. Periodic speech therapy sessions are used to both gauge progress and document changes, though it’s usually at home that the majority of the work is done. After all, it’s the parents that can and will have the biggest influence on their kids’ development.

Suffering in Silence

Now more than ever, experts are convinced that the number-one rule when it comes to approaching and treating childhood stammers is to ensure that the child in question knows that the subject is neither taboo nor anything to be ashamed of. One of the biggest of all catalysts that can perpetuate and increase the severity of stammering is anxiety – beat the anxiousness and treatment becomes exponentially easier. Of course this can all be easier said than done for a child that’s clearly in distress, but with the help of the very best professionals at the right time, it’s more than possible to pull off.

Success therefore depends on turning to a reputable speech therapist or team thereof at the earliest possible opportunity and being sure to check out their reputation and background prior to going ahead. Kids are incredibly resilient and even the severest of stammers can be combatted if identified and addressed early enough – suffering in silence generally breeding the exact opposite result.

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