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Have A Fruit: Have A Nice Day

Fruit BascketToday we all know that eating fruit regularly benefits our health in various ways. In a world of pollution, busy life and hectic schedules, everyone is eager to maintain a good health. They want to enjoy their life where there will be no unwanted sickness and diseases. Eating fruit everyday is a part of a balanced diet. This improves our health in numerous ways that we cannot even count.

One may ask why fruit is the only thing on which everyone is depending upon. Is it the only option to maintain a healthy diet? The answer is yes. This is because our bodies need more vitamin and minerals to fight the impurities that we face every day. We are exposed to toxic fumes and pollution daily and thus lead a stressful life. Fruits provide a human body with antioxidants, which help to get rid of these bad effects.

Sunlight, smoking and alcohol produce free radicals in a human body. It damages the protein cells, membranes and genes in a human body creating various diseases. Antioxidants present in fruits fight those free radicals helping in preventing maximum number of diseases.

Orange is one type of fruit which has numerous benefits. Though it is a seasonal fruit, it has all the goodness in it. If one is looking for gifting fruit baskets in winters, they must put the most desired winter fruit in it. The oranges are the first choice of yours this season.  There are very few people who hate oranges. So, go ahead and keep it in your basket.

  • It prevents a dangerous disease called cancer. This is because of the high amount of citrus present in it.
  • The high amount of soluble fibres present in this fruit helps in reducing the cholesterol level in a human body.
  • Oranges are full of Vitamin C. This helps in curing nausea, skin allergies, acne and cold.
  • The dietary fibre present in it keeps the digestion system clear. Regular intake of oranges means smooth bowel movements and no gastritis.
  • Polyphenol is another important compound present in this fruit. It protects the human body from any kind of viral infection.
  • High magnesium content of this fruit helps in maintaining a normal blood pressure level in a human body.
  • The antioxidants present in orange helps to maintain a blemish free skin and acts as an anti ageing element. Most of the times orange peels are used as face pack to maintain the radiance of the skin.
  • Oranges have a high level of potassium. This keeps the heart beat normal preventing heart attacks.
  • The carotene compounds that are present in this fruit help to maintain a good eye health.

Though orange fruit is seasonal, orange juice is available throughout the year. One can always keep this in their regular diet because orange juice is equally helpful. Research says that it keeps the bladder function normal and prevents kidneys from developing stones. But remember, do not consume juices that have preservatives and artificial sweeteners. They are not beneficial.

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